SYRV operates multiple programs during your trip enabling further progress and development of our projects, while offering you a range of causes to participate in.
We believe everyone makes a difference. If you have a skill or passion that you'd like to share with the villages and it falls under our mission, we will coordinate a 2-3 hour custom project for you to lead during your trip. That's right, custom programs inspired by YOU.
Here's a sample of current programs we operate during our trips to Nicaragua with the help of our ground partners: |
[CLEAN WATER ACCESS] NICARAGUA: Continue to distribute water purifiers to El Limon 1 & 2 Continue safe water education and water testing in El Limon, Jiquilillo and Gigante, Nicaragua |
[ENGLISH & ENVIRONMENTAL] NICARAGUA: Continue environmental education to schools in El Limon, Jiquilillo and Gigante Develop environmental education in El Limon 1&2 schools. GUATEMALA: Environmental education to schools in San Martin |
[HEALTH - YOGA & MEDITATION ARTS - ART, MUSIC & SPORTS] NICARAGUA - BALI - GUATEMALA: Continue self empowerment and courses at the children's homes. (New programs will be considered on a trip by trip basis.) Continue Sports & Wellness Camps throughout coastal villages Continue to support traveler led custom programs, i.e. Yoga, Music, Art, etc. |